During the course of our research,
training, and consulting over the last twenty years, we have discovered
important needs in the energy, utility, and health and safety areas. In
a few of these areas we have tried to satisfy these needs with useful products.
These products are included here for your information. |
ZipTest Pro3™
ZipTest Pro3™ Building and Energy Diagnostics Software for the Texas Instruments TI-89 Titanium graphing calculator easily handles all your residential building diagnostics needs. To learn more, go to Zip Test Pro3. Praise for ZipTest Pro3: - A satisfied user in Wisconsin
ResVent 62.2 application for iPhone, iPad, and iPod
Touch This mobile application for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch calculates the minimum whole-building ventilation requirements of ASHRAE 62.2, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings. ResVent 62.2 is available at the Apple Apps store for $19.99 US.
RED Calc for all computers, tablets, and
smart phones
RED web applications make your work faster, easier and more convenient. We provide the latest in building diagnostic procedures and resources to keep you at the top of your profession and help you keep your leading edge. Together we can make buildings better places to live and help protect the environment inside and outside of our dwellings. RED Calc is featured on the website www.ResidentialEnergyDynamics.com. |