The need for information and instruction, the speed of change, and the introduction of new energy technologies are escalating within an environment of rising energy prices and dwindling supplies. At the same time, many organizations are struggling with information overload and the need to re-define their missions, structures, market plans, and knowledge management. This is where we come in. We can help you gather, assimilate, organize, and present the complex information related to energy use. We have years of experience doing research, writing, standards and curriculum development, training, professional certification, and publishing. Since 1984, R.J. Karg Associates, Energy Information Management, has been meeting the diverse needs of electric and gas utilities, state weatherization programs, state energy offices, the Department of Energy, and private firms. Our work is always related to energy use or energy conservation. Our client and project lists are long and varied. Our knowledge and experience grow daily. Over the years we have helped organizations attain their business objectives, restructure their marketing activities, and train their in-house personnel and trade allies. Our technical abilities have been characterized as concise, understandable, and thorough. We work closely with management to identify and achieve performance standards that are linked to business objectives. Our general approach is to:
The primary objective of our training sessions is to enhance the performance of the trainees. Our small size allows us to keep our overhead low and our level of adaptability high. We expand our staff as a project requires. R.J. Karg Associates is an intentionally small firm, headed by Richard Karg. Mr. Karg received a Masters Degree in Economics from Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio. He is a full member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and a member of the 62.2 residential ventilation committee. Before founding R.J. Karg Associates, Mr. Karg was a college economics instructor and a building contractor. |