Welcome to the web site of R.J. Karg Associates. We hope you find this diverse site interesting and useful. 

You are invited to contact Rick Karg with your comments, questions, and suggestions at rjkarg@karg.com.

What is energy information management?  
It is gathering, assimilation, organizing, and presentation of complex information related to energy. The related tasks include research, writing, standards and curriculum development, professional training and certification, and publishing.

Our Mission
To provide superior service in the fields of energy efficiency and conservation at reasonable costs, using innovative and professional methods and demonstrating committed support to our customers, while protecting the world’s environmental resources.


R.J. Karg Associates
| 596 Grover Hill  Road | Bethel, Maine 04217 | phone: 207-824-0025
email   |  www.karg.com Site Map

website ©Copyright 2012 R.J. Karg Associates and Red Goat Web Design